Tanya made it safely over as well, and was busy last week working on new teacher orientation at her school. The staff within the P.E. department at ACS definately miss her at school, as do I, but I know she is very excited to have her own classes and students this year.
For those of you that did not hear about the incident with my vehicle 2 weeks ago, I will fill you. I was actually biking back from school and was very close to my apartment, my Trooper was parked near the street on the other side of the curb. It just so happend that as I was riding my bike to my apartment, another vehicle somehow drove out of control, jumped the curb and drilled the back end of my Trooper (all while I was right there). I have no idea what was going on with the guy, but the best I can gather is that he was more or less out of it because it is Ramadan, and Muslim's cannot eat or drink anything (even water) while it is light out. The driver's vehicle was completely smashed up, but luckily the gentleman was wearing his seatbelt, otherwise, I may have been scraping his carcas off of the road. I did take a some pics of the back end of my vehicle, and I have talked with his insurance company about fixing it. Although it is Ramadan right now, everything moves very slowly, so I am hoping that I can get it in and fixed soon. Luckily I can still drive it around.
I hope you are all doing well, I would like to call many of you through skype, but I currently do not have internet at my apartment, and again it is Ramadan, so it will take some time. I do hope to talk to you soon, until then take care and I will make it a habit to update this:)