Yesterday, I went out deep sea fishing with two friends from school. Dave (wearing the read had), and Rob (fishing pool in hand). We drove from Abu Dhabi just over 3hrs to the northeast, to an area on the coast of the Indian ocean. This was a great experience as I had never deep sea fished before. Dave, who is also from MN, has been living in the UAE for about 5 years and has fished the area we were at quite a bit and set everything up with our guide. We all had very good luck while fishing too, we actually parked ourselves up along a huge ship called the "Sea Queen" and ended up hammering Mahi, which is what I am holding in the picture below. It wasn't the most breathtaking area to fish (like the BWCA), but I would definately reccomend it if you have the chance. The fishing was great!
The fish that I caught in the picture was probably a 12-15lbs. Mahi, but when it struck my line it felt quite a bit larger. It was a good sized Mahi from what Dave had said. I had him on my line for about 25 minutes before we were able to get him in the boat. It was crazy when you would get one on your line because they would jump about a foot and a half to two feet out of the water while you were fighting with them trying to real them in.
We ended up keeping four Mahi, and threw the rest we caught back, we filleted them that night and cooked one up. They are very good and have more of a white meat color to them. We were all able to each take a couple of fillets home with us. All in all I would say this fishing trip was a huge success!!!
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