Thursday, September 6, 2012


Bell and I taking a break for a picture

Here at Rivermont there are a lot of dogs. There are lots of different types of dogs; big, small, friendly, unfriendly, loud and quite. But my Best Friend Forever is Bella, aka, Bell. She is a miniature golden doodle who is about a week older then me. When I first got here I was a little nervous about all the big dogs around (but not anymore, I like playing with everyone). Bell and I got along really well because we were both small and we have lots of puppy energy. 

Usually Bell and I play pretty rough but we enjoy it. I mean this looks pretty scary but we really love each other. When we aren't biting each other we usually eat sticks together and we are starting to chase after a Frisbee or stick. Unless we get distracted by a good looking stick that needs to be chewed.

We love treats as well. So if you ever want to play with us, please bring treats. We don't sit for long so give it to us fast! 

Yesterday Bell and I had a great play date. We played for about an hour outside. It has been raining and there is a ditch that was a little wet. Well, we found the muddiest spot and played there for about 15mins while our moms talked and had no idea. Finally we came out and they weren't too happy. Don't worry we found a big puddle in the ditch and cleaned off...sorta. 

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