Monday, September 12, 2011

We are BACK!

My basil plant! Don't mind the dirty window

Over the summer my mom and I went to a tupperwear party (yes they still have them!) and I bought this little handy contraption and brought it back with me. You put your herb of choice into it and the water bottle on the side keeps it all watered so nicely. This way I can totally forget about it (okay maybe not totally) until I need some basil, yum! I will keep you updated on how it is working.

So Ben and I are back in Abu Dhabi. Ben got here a few weeks before I did and I was delayed 5 days because of Hurricane Irene. But I got here, kicked jet lags butt, and here I am on my first day back with kids at school!

Last week we found out that the new campus would not be ready, not much of a shocker around here. Things in Abu Dhabi never happen the way they say they are, we take it all in stride. So what that means for us is that both schools are on one little campus. Now I wasn't going to go out to the new campus I was staying at the old one so it's been a bit of adjustment. So all 500 kids and 70 staff are on one fun filled campus! It's tight but we managed today pretty well. Last year I had a small gym that had foam under it and carpet. At the moment that room is storage for all of the things that can't go out to the new campus. And with lots of classes in the gym I have started going to each class and doing my lessons.

Today was interesting to say the least. I remember how tired it felt after doing the 3 year olds last year but you always hope for better! Well it didn't go horribly but they are only 3 and for that I think they did fine and I know they will get better and better as the year goes on! Today we talked about what the bell means (freeze) and we danced, ran, jumped, and swam around the room. As Ms. Tanya tried to learn all the names and who is Mohammed and who is Muhammed. Love different spellings.

Ben is doing well, he is riding his bike here and there and it hitting the weights in the weight room. No ironman this year but I think he will do some of the smaller triathlons in January and March. He has started his swim lessons and I will have to soon as well! He also plans on coaching the elementary swim team again this year, try outs start next week.

Nothing to crazy going on at the moment. Just trying to find that routine again and get back in it.

I know I said it last year as well, but I am going to try and do a better job of keeping this up to date ;)

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