Jess and I waiting to start!
Well yesterday was the day, the day I completed my first half marathon. Never did I think I would run 13.1 miles without stopping. But I did it, and I did it in 2:06! Here is how it went down!

We got up and had some breakfast and then headed out to the start. Now it has been chilly in the mornings recently so we were ready with our light jackets. But when we walked out of the hotel we realized we didn't need them, which meant it was going to be a warm day! We got to the starting line and waited to start. We realized very quickly that it was going to be a very windy run. Which I wasn't a big fan on. The one positive, the wind would be to our back the last km to the finish line! We started and Jess and I ran together for the first 10km then we hit some head wind and I told her to go ahead and I did the best I could to keep pace. The picture to the right is at the 11km marker about half way. People are looking to the right and clapping because the professional runners were on the other side of the road with just 3km to go. We all started together, they were running fast!
I felt pretty good the whole time, at about 18km I was getting tired and again we were running into the wind. But I saw the finish line and I kept pushing! This picture is jut before the finish line!
Jess finished just under 2 hours! She did a great job, and I was lucky to have a great friend to train for this half marathon, I definitely wouldn't have been able to do it without her! In the picture below we were ready to stretch and relax after a good hard run!
Will I do another half marathon? Ben asked me that right after, when my hips were killing me and my legs were tired and I said NO! But today I feel good and would love if I could break 2 hours. So maybe there is another half marathon in my future.
Thanks to my wonderful husband for supporting me and taking pictures!